Online Training Courses

Experience matters, and at Trainingbits, our instructors have it in spades. With a successful telecommunications business under our belt and a track record of consulting for top ISPs in South Africa, we bring real-world expertise to the classroom. Learn from those who know the industry best.

Comprehensive training programs:

Our training covers a wide range of topics, including basic telecoms concepts, advanced networking, and security, ensuring that students can choose the program that fits their needs and career goals.


Our training programs are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the needs of each student. This means that students can choose the program that fits their schedule and learning style, whether they prefer to learn online, in-person, or a combination of both.

Real-world experience:

Our telecommunications company is not just a training provider but a seasoned player in the industry. This means that our instructors bring real-world experience to the classroom, giving students practical insights that go beyond theoretical knowledge.

Learning anytime
from anywhere

Increase the mobility level with Trainingbits LMS App. Take your courses in your pocket and access them whenever you want without any limits. Make your learning more engaging and productive using modern LMS app.

Events & Webinars

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Online webinars — take the new level in distance learning.

Check the new way of getting new knowledge, participate in our online webinars. We constantly update the list of webinar lessons, adding only trending topics to it.

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Teach what you love. Trainingbits gives you the tools to create an online course
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